Supply Chain Trends – Is Your Supply Chain Relying on a Rearview Mirror?

May 7, 2019 at 9:34 AM / by Kerwin Everson, VP Visual Productivity Solutions

Common topics at supply chain trade shows and presentations include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Advanced Analytics, Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and on-and-on.  However, most business supply chain operations do not reflect these technological advances. Bulletin boards, white boards, and thumb-tacked charts and graphs still act as the key reporting and tracking tool.

Does Your Supply Chain Lack Visibility?

Many companies are not yet ready to incorporate robots or AI or IoT into their supply chain, but most are replete with data, yet short on information.  They are coming up short on the real-time data required to make real-time decisions.  Before considering any advanced technologies or incorporating any of the latest trends, they simply want visibility – end-to-end visibility of what’s happening right now, and what do they need to do more effectively to meet their goals.

Digital Scoreboards and Real-Time Data

This end-to-end supply chain visibility is available today and is easy to implement into your supply chain on visual scoreboards mounted strategically throughout your facility (think inbound/receiving, manufacturing/production floor, pick/pack areas, replenishment, shipping, break rooms and more).  Imagine the value of each employee knowing what’s important right now, what has changed throughout the day (report exceptions and changes to schedules immediately), and how you are performing (as a team or individually) against your goals.  Visualize not only productivity data – but safety, quality, emergency notifications, and then simple but informative employee engagement messages that make your employees feel great about the place they have chosen to work (birthdays, anniversaries, pizza party Friday, etc.). Harvard Business Review reports that engaged employees are 22% more productive and have 48% fewer safety incidents.

ImageNet Consulting can help you incorporate a visual productivity solution into your supply chain space – manufacturing or distribution.  

Contact ImageNet Consulting to set up a custom demonstration of these productivity improving solutions,  and learn how easy they are to implement within your Supply Chain.  Why operate and manage your business using a rearview mirror when you can speed down the supply chain highway, making real-time decisions that impact your company’s bottom line?

Topics: Supply Chain

Written by Kerwin Everson, VP Visual Productivity Solutions

Kerwin Everson is the Vice President of Visual Productivity Solutions for ImageNet. He is new to ImageNet but has been in the digital signage industry for many years, and was with RMG Networks for 16 years. Kerwin began his career with Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan, and has held various positions in Product Management, Product Marketing, and Sales with large corporations, such as BellSouth Telecommunications, which is now AT&T. In his current role, he primarily assists ImageNet clients and Client Account Teams with solutions to help customers solve problems and improve supply chain productivity. He works to provide Visual Productivity Solutions that assist the customer in managing their day-to-day business in a more productive and customer-friendly way. The result is real-time visibility provided on large LCD or LED scoreboards. He enjoys discussing how he has helped large clients like Eastman Chemical, GE Aviation, Carrier Corporation, Coca Cola, Lowes, GAP, Inc. and so many more.

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