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Managed Print Services

8 Ways to Reduce Paper Usage In the Workplace

Laina Davidson, Digital Marketing Specialist
March 30, 2021 at 9:55 AM

Paper waste is one of the most persistent – and most preventable – operation costs in the modern office. Especially in the age of cloud storage, enterprise content management, and mobile-first communication, there are more ways than ever to share information and store data without paper. 

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Document Management

How Can Electronic Content Management (ECM) Improve Productivity?

Dwight Moore - VP of Enterprise Solutions
June 9, 2020 at 9:00 AM

The global workforce is finding new ways to adapt to the digital workplace. With so many businesses operating with remote teams, access to business information and flexible processes is a central focus as business moves from the office and to the home office and back again.

How do businesses ensure remote workers have access to the documents, forms, and other business data and processes they require to stay productive and secure from home? Enterprise Content Management can help. 

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Document Management

Eliminate Office Clutter in 2020 with an Effective Document Management System (DMS)

Dwight Moore - VP of Enterprise Solutions
January 7, 2020 at 9:15 AM

Clutter is depressing. In an office, it can drive down productivity and employee morale. Fortunately, there’s one straightforward and easy-to-implement solution to reduce the amount of clutter in an office – a document management system (DMS).

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